Version 0.4.0 - 12/22/2019

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# Version 0.4.0 - 12/22/2019

# Serverless Runner

Serverless is one of our favorite tools for deploying Lambdas. We, as developers, have used it a lot over the years. Which makes this announcement very exciting. You can now select your account, and run deploys of your serverless files directly from Commandeer. This should help a lot with being able to quickly and efficiently test out your deployments.

Deploy your serverless.yml file to any environment and view the results.

# Ansible Runner

The next IAC tool that we have finished is Ansible. While we love Serverless for deploying our lambdas, we end up using Ansible for some other tasks, like EC2 boxes, and general setup of S3. In the same way you can deploy serverless, you can now do Ansible as well.

Deploy your ansible playbook .yml file to any environment and view the results.

# Docker Console

While we were building out our IAC tools, we kept on running into nuanced issues with our docker setup for it. This led us to building out a console for Docker, which we have found very helpful especially with getting our LocalStack install setup. Stay tuned as we start to bring in images, volumes, and start and stopping.

Here you can see a list of your docker containers and what is running.

The detailed view of the docker container shows information including the mounted volumes and ports.

# Cloud Formation

Deploying Serverless and Ansible scripts is great, and then verifying that the stack on Cloud Formation is correct is even greater. As we start to make our IAC Suite even more powerful, you will start to see this utilized more and more. For now, you can check your stacks and sub-stacks quickly and easily.

View your CloudFormation stacks, which are helpful when working on IAC.

# S3 Cleans

S3 is our most popular service, and as we were finishing up the missing pieces, like file permissions, we knew it was time to refactor it to be more user friendly. This led us to having the treeview completely in the side navigation, which gives you a full page for the file or bucket you are dealing with. You can also now change permissions at the file level. Lastly, you can edit text files in place, and save them right back to S3.

Each file in S3 is now a full page, to allow for easier viewing. Also, you can change permissions for any file.

Text files can now be edited and saved.

# General Improvements

Treeview refactor including statuses for Docker and LocalStack and deep treeview for S3. View system and analytics logs directly from the side menu or the file menu.

Last update: April 22, 2020 01:45