Welcome to Commandeer

  • Aws
  • Dynamodb
  • Localstack
  • S3
  • Docker
About 6 min

# Welcome to Commandeer

Commandeer is the #1 developer IDE for managing serverless and container based systems. It gives developers the ability to elevate beyond the command-line or a web console experience and work in a clean UI to manage many of the most popular cloud services around.

Control S3, DynamoDB, Docker, LocalStack, Lambda, API Gateway and more all from the same UI, We currently support 35 services, and we will be adding an additional 20 services over the next year. You can also checkout our project kanban board on GitHub to stay up to date with current features and services we are working on.

Available on Mac, Windows and Linux - Download Now

# The 3 Pillars of Commandeer

Commandeer solves 3 things for your local and cloud environments:.

Commandeer is a bottom up solution, meaning you can go down to the granular level for everything. For example, you can search for a file in S3, look up a record in DynamoDB, PostgreSQL, or Athena, or see CloudWatch Logs for a Lambda Invocation that you just invoked.

While other tools take a top down approach where you can see high level pieces of information, but once you actually try to manage your system, you quickly realize it is not for you. What differentiates other IDE's from Commandeer is that we provide a true interface into your services. Most IDE's have extensions that you can supposedly see things like Lambda with, but once you start to work with them, you will notice that they don't have all the complex interconnections between services that are crucial to managing your system.


The 3 Pillars of Commandeer

# Pillar 1 - View Your Data

Connect to many different data sources in a unified and easy way.

# Pillar 2 - Deploy your IAC

Deploy your infrastructure as code anywhere with the 'IAC Running Suite.' Run, edit, and view the results of your IAC code execution using tools you already use.running-your-infrastructure-as-code

# Pillar 3 - Test Your Plumbing

Visualize your lambda connections and the interactions between them. Advanced event runners for SQS, SNS, API Gateway, DynamoDB Streams, S3 files and more, let you actually run the event, and view the triggered Lambda's invocation logs. If you are connected to LocalStack you can also view the Docker Containers logs. You can also invoke a Lambda directly to test your code. This is one of the most important aspects of Commandeer. Rather than having to deal with running these things on the Web or in the CLI, you can now easily do them in an IDE.

# Is Commandeer for me?

Commandeer was built to benefit these 5 groups of software people in their day-to-day work.

# Software Engineers

If you are using any of these services - S3, DynamoDB, Lambda, SQS, SNS, CloudWatch Rules. CloudWatch Logs, EC2, IAM, Lambda, Algolia, Slack, Twilio, Sendgrid, LocalStack, Docker, ECS and PostgreSQL - we think you will find Commandeer very helpful.

  • View and fully manage your S3 buckets and files on AWS and LocalStack
  • View and fully manage your data in Dynamo DB on AWS and in LocalStack
  • View your most recent invocation CloudWatch logs for your lambdas
  • Test your lambda code triggered by S3, Dynamo DB, SQS, SNS, and CloudWatch Rules in a GUI

# Dev Ops Engineers

If you are using Docker, ECS, EC2, IAM, CloudFormation, Serverless Framework, or Ansible this tool has a lot of tools to really help out your work. This tool can help you gain insights into all the things important to you on both AWS as well as your local machine.

  • View your CloudFormation Stacks
  • View and invoke your CloudWatch Rules connected to Lambda (CRON)
  • View your Docker containers, images, and volumes
  • Manage IAM users, roles, and groups
  • See the data in Dynamo DB, S3, Postgres, and CloudWatch Logs in one place on AWS and LocalStack

# Business Analysts and Data Scientists

If you would like to see data in S3, Dynamo DB, and CloudWatch Logs this will be very helpful. If you would like to deploy your own lambdas and monitor and invoke them this will help a lot. If you are using Athena or S3 data lake infrastructures this tool will be very helpful.

  • See your non-sql data at the source (Dynamo or S3)
  • Understand what triggers what. Did that Lambda just send out a notification when a record was added to a Dynamo table, yup, it sure did.
  • Monitor your newest Python code running on Lambda
  • Verify that SQS queue is up and running in your environment
  • Build out your S3 data lake
  • Access your data processing logs in Dynamo

# Web Designers

For many sites on the internet assets get served up on S3. Now, you can easily view previews of your files and upload pre-made assets for the team. You can then save images to the same location that they are using for serving them via CDN.

# QA Engineers and Manual Testers

Are you using Postman or API Gateway? This tool will be really helpful.

  • Be able to view the logs for tests you run in Postman at the same time.
  • Dive deeper into Api Gateway endpoints
  • see the actual data in Dynamo DB and S3
  • Invoke a Lambda directly.
  • get more visibility into the cloud
  • view CloudWatch Invocation logs of the lambda that your endpoint invoked

# 35+ Services Available

Manage over 35 local and cloud services in a unified app.

  • Right-click context menus
  • Tabs
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Testers
  • IaC runners

Commandeer is a first rate app that allows you to see your entire system in one place.

Over 35 Services shown in the Commandeer side navigation treeview

  • Algolia - Search Cache on steroids
  • Ansible - yml based infrastructure as code
  • API Gateway - RESTful api service
  • AppSync - AWS GraphQL
  • Athena - full query runner and breakdown of your Athena database, never before seen in an IDE
  • Bash Runner - run your bash scripts with ease from our GUI
  • CircleCI Runner - run your CircleCI yml from our GUI
  • CloudFormation - json based infrastructure as code. Ansible and Serverless Framework code compiles down into this.
  • CloudWatch Alarms - stay notified of all alarms in your AWS system
  • CloudWatch Logs - Logs for all services AWS services
  • Cloudwatch Rules - manage CRON jobs connected to Lambdas
  • Cognito - AWS User Management
  • Docker - containers running on your local machine and in the cloud through orchestration like Kubernetes, ECS, and EKS
  • Dynamo DB - NoSQL database on AWS
  • EC2 - manage your EC2 instances
  • ECS - container orchestration on AWS that manages your docker instances
  • EKS - kubernetes container orchestration on AWS to manage your docker instances
  • Glue - AWS Crawlers and Jobs
  • IAM - manage your IAM users, roles, and groups
  • Kinesis - AWS big data streaming
  • Lambda - little pieces of code that runs when triggere by events on AWS
  • LocalStack - a powerful local mock version of AWS running on your computer
  • Postgres - SQL Database (MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, Oracle, and SQLite are coming soon)
  • Redshift - AWS big data database system
  • S3 - manage your S3 buckets, folders and files
  • SNS - manage your SNS topics
  • SQS - manage your SQS queues
  • Sendgrid - send Sendgrid emails from the system through your sendgrid account
  • Serverless - yml based infrastructure as code
  • Slack - send Slack message from the system through your Slack Account
  • Twilio - send SMS messages from the system through your Twilio SMS account

# The Next 20 Services

These will be rolling out fast and furious in 2022.

# Coming Soon - Q2 - Q3 2022

  • MySQL - SQL database
  • RDS - Amazon Relational Database Service
  • Postman - testing RESTful API's
  • Redis - key value in-memory storage
  • CloudFront - AWS CDN
  • SQL Server - SQL database
  • SQLite - local SQL database that runs on any device (IOT, PC, etc.)
  • Kubernetes - Docker Container Orchestration
  • LocalStorage - website data storage

# Q4 2022

  • MariaDB - SQL database
  • MemCache - key value in-memory storage
  • Mongo DB - NoSQL database
  • Oracle - SQL database

Available on Mac, Windows and Linux - Download Now

Last update: May 30, 2022 15:51