Version 0.1.6 - 7/22/2019

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# Version 0.1.6 - 7/22/2019

# Algolia

Algolia integration allows you to view and search your Algolia indexes from the comfort of your Commandeer app. This is our very first non-aws service, and we are very excited to show you what we have in store as we start to go truly multi-cloud system.

# Lambda

View and filter your lambdas by what triggers them. This could be API Gateway, Cloudwatch, Dynamo Streams, S3, SNS, or SQS. Now it is easy to tell what events a lambda is being used for.

# S3

Preview your S3 images, gifs, movies and music all from within Commandeer. That's right, no need to download files to your local machine. Now, you can just click on an item, and view it directly from inside the app.

Last update: April 22, 2020 01:45