Version 1.4 Preview

  • Athena
  • dynamo
  • Sqs
  • Sns
About 1 min

# Commandeer Version 1.4 Preview - Target Date 10/2/2020

We are busy readying our newest version of Commandeer, and it has some really exciting features we think you are going to love.

  • Tabs
  • Athena
  • API Gateway
  • DynamoDB
  • SNS
  • SQS
  • Onboarding

# Tabs

We are continuing to double down on the ease of use of the system for developers. Last release we introduced right-click menus. The next phase of this is the tabbing system. If you have been running Serverless or jumping between different tables in Dynamo, you may have noticed that tabs would be great to have. We agree, and now, moving between items is even simpler than ever. In the next few releases, we will start to have split screen capabilities as well, so stay tuned as we make the app better and better for you.

# Athena

Athena is a truly magical service. It allows you to define a schema of your data that you store in S3, and then query it with SQL. Under the hood, it is a hive database. We use it internally for all our analytics, so we have been dogfooding this tool for the last month and it really powerful.

  • Query Runner - allows you to run any SQL queries against your data
  • History - view and rerun previous queries
  • Favorites - favorite your queries to be able to run them easily later
  • View your schema - view your tables, views, and their columns in the side treeview and dashboards
  • ER Diagram - view and export your schema in an ER diagram

# API Gateway

We have added a testing suite for the API Gateway. You can set your headers and enter a body if applicable for an endpoint, and then call the endpoint. The real beauty of this testing tool, is that not only can you view the HTTP status code, headers, and returning body, but you can also view the invocation logs of a Lambda that is tied to the endpoint if you have your API setup this way. This gives you even more power in understanding what your endpoint is doing when you call it.

# DynamoDB

  • Fixed the data uploader


  • added a System Diagram


  • added a System Diagram
  • ability to create a queue
  • ability to delete a queue

# Onboarding

We have streamlined onboarding for new users a bit. Now you will simply login with your SSO to get started.

Last update: September 28, 2020 14:50