Managing .aws/credentials and .aws/config

  • AWS
  • Credentials
  • Config
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# Managing .aws/credentials and .aws/config

AWS can be setup that you can manage your credentials and configuration for each set of credentials in local files found in a .aws folder on your computer. You can view this information from inside Commandeer.

Below you can see the new treeview in he side navigation.

.aws/credentials and .aws/config file navigation

And clicking through to the credentials dashboard, you can see all your credentials you have. We also obfuscate your creds so that they aren't shown in plain text in the app.

.aws/credentials dashboard

And if you click the config dashboard, you will see configuration you have for each profile.

.aws/config dashboard

This is pretty helpful, but you can also use this when creating a new account in Commandeer. In the Add/Edit Account modal, you can now select a profile to use the Access Key, Secret Access Key, and optionally the Session Token and Default Region from the files. Below you can see the Add Account modal with the acme profile selected.

Add account in Commandeer

You can also view these on the main dashboard on the Local System card.

Commandeer Local System Breakdown

Last update: May 11, 2021 14:31